

The latest stable version is v2.1.5. Older versions are also available via Github.

Node.js and Browserify

Install Oboe from NPM:

$ npm install oboe

Add --save if you want to keep Oboe as a dependency in your package.json file:

$ npm install oboe --save

Once installed load as usual:

var oboe = require('oboe');

Downloading manually for the Browser

Save one of these files:

Using Bower package manager

You can fetch using Bower like this:

$ bower install oboe

Using Jam package manager

Oboe.js is also available through Jam:

$ jam install oboe

Loading using AMD

If there is no AMD present, once the Oboe Javascript is loaded you can start using the global oboe object. However, when AMD is detected Oboe defines itself instead of adding itself as global variable.

When AMD is used Oboe can be accessed asynchronously using require:

require( ['oboe'], function( oboe ) {


If you know Oboe has already been loaded you can also access it synchronously although this is usually not the best way:

var oboe = require('oboe');

Configuration for Require.js

When using with Require.js some config is needed so Require knows to load a file named oboe-browser.js for the oboe module. Alternatively, you could rename oboe-browser.js to oboe.js.

    paths: {
        oboe: 'oboe-browser'

This is similar to the config required to use jQuery with Require.


If you need Oboe to work with older versions of Internet Explorer polyfils such as ES5-shim are required to bring the environment up to ECMAScript 5.

Improve this page

Is this page clear enough? Typo-free? Could you improve it?

Please fork the Oboe.js website repo and make a pull request. The markdown source is here.